By Dominick Ferrara V

The site is finally returning from a long hiatus, due to school and personal reasons, but we are back and back with a bang!

In 1979, George Miller released his classic MAD MAX, a film that has influenced almost every action movie since. The Fast & Furious franchise may not have existed without the first Mad Max film. Two years later, Miller followed it up with a sequel, THE ROAD WARRIOR, widely regarded as one of the best action films ever. Four years after that, the franchise took a step down with BEYOND THUNDERDOME. Now, 30 years later, Miller has returned to his beloved franchise for one more go-around, after many years in development and a casting change.

Miller has managed to recapture the magic of THE ROAD WARRIOR, giving us one of the greatest action movies of all time. The sheer scope of this film will capture your imagination and keep your eyes glued to the screen at all times. Miller uses practical effects for the majority of the film, which is absolutely mind-boggling when you see some of the stunts in the film. Over eighty percent of this film is practical, meaning that almost the entire film is stuntwork and actually happened, not created using CGI. Every shot of this film feels like a painting, with a beautiful color palate that is easy on the eyes, and much brighter than most post-apocalyptic films.

Mel Gibson no longer plays the title character of Max Rockatansky, for many obvious reasons. He is replaced by Tom Hardy, best known for his performance as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. Hardy gives a very solid performance as Max, a man in a post-apocalyptic wasteland who has lost his family. He is in a mask for the first half hour of the film, and still manages to get emotion across without being able to truly emote. He gives a rather subtle performance, which is unexpected for this role, and manages to perform his action sequences convincingly.

Charlize Theron originates the role of the Imperator Furiosa, and owns this movie. The movie may be titled MAD MAX, but the movie truly does belong to Theron. She is the most badass character in the film, and runs the film’s plot. She has multiple motivations for her journey. She is attempting to transport the five wives of Immortan Joe, who we will talk about later, to her homeland, known only as “The Green Place.” From there, the rest of the film takes shape, and Theron’s character learns a major lesson by the end of the film.

Nicholas Hoult plays Nux, one of Immortan Joe’s henchmen. He experiences the most growth throughout the film, going from a brainwashed man trying to reach Valhalla to a man who realizes that he is relying on Max to make it through a day, because of his unnamed disease. His character also supplies the most iconic line of the film, as he yells, “Oh, what a day! What a lovely day!”

One of the most interesting parts of the movie is the villain, Immortan Joe. Immortan Joe is played by Australian actor Hugh Keays-Byrne, who also played the villain, The Toecutter, in the original MAD MAX. He provides the creepiness for the film, with a mask around the mouth, and wearing plastic body armor to cover his old, dying body. He is practically a religious figure to his followers, while also being a totalitarian leader to his people. His army is enormous, and even includes a car powered by a FLAME THROWING ELECTRIC GUITAR! I’m sorry, but that is just awesome.

Miller uses a lot of social commentary in the film, dealing mostly with gender politics. There is a clear feminist touch, despite the film being directed by a 70 year old man. The film has faced a misogynist backlash due to this, but don’t let that keep you away from the theater.

In conclusion, MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is a non-stop, balls-to-the-wall action masterpiece. The film is basically a two hour long car chase, but the stuntwork is so spectacular that it never gets old. The use of practical effects creates a realistic feeling and makes you cheer everytime a car crashes, knowing that a real car actually made that happen. The performances are good, and the plot ends up having a fantastic message at the end. Run, do not walk, to see this movie, because this is the best movie of the year thus far, and one of the best action movies ever made.

Score: 10/10

Have you guys seen MAD MAX: FURY ROAD? If so, what do you think of it? If not, do you plan to see it? Comment below, and let me know!

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